Borderline …   Leave a comment

So I have a small section of my story dedicated to a scene specific to each person’s personality (disorder). Today’s is Margaret, a girls with borderline PD.

I also thought Borderline was a good title for my life today because I feel on the border of getting really upset. My hip/butt/leg have some weird pain/tingling that won’t go away with icing, Aspirin, etc and is worse when I sit. I self diagnosed it as Piriformis Syndrome causing sciatic nerve pain. The part that is making me scared is the treatments all call for 2+ weeks off of activity. That sounds like a nightmare! Doctors appointment in the AM…

Here is a little of the story… it makes me feel stable!

  1. Margaret

Just after her 15th birthday Margaret fell in love. He was not tall or attractive. He was not smart or funny. He was not even memorable to anyone else in her life after those three weeks. Joe was simply that, an average Joe.

On their first date, Margaret brought him a box of Godiva chocolates, wrapped in gold colored paper with a classic red ribbon. Joe had never seen such fancy wrapping, as his birthday presents were typically enfolded in the Sunday comics, with either Charlie Brown or Garfield prints staining the packaging inside. After eagerly opening the box for him, Margaret slowly slid a dark chocolate between Joe’s lips. The bitter taste of the hardened cocoa caused him to spit it out before he could tell a lie. Before the brown sludge hit the pavement of the driveway below, Margaret’s arm was in full swing, and approaching his jaw at high speeds. “Thwackk.” Joe’s lower jaw pounded against the braces still locked to his upper teeth. Blood spewed out from his gums and instead of an ‘I’m sorry’ all Margaret could do was slap the other side of his face.

Posted September 13, 2011 by bluelightening in Uncategorized

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